Pertecnica Engineering

Plumbing Systems and Maintenance


Course Overview:

This specialized program, developed in collaboration with the Plumbing Skill Council of India, focuses on Plumbing Systems and Maintenance within the context of Jal Mitra and Jal Jeevan Mission initiatives. Participants will gain comprehensive knowledge and practical skills to contribute effectively to water management projects, emphasizing sustainable practices and meeting the objectives of these crucial missions. The Plumber, Plumbing Systems, and Maintenance in Jal Mitra and Jal Jeevan Mission training course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to become proficient plumbers and contribute effectively to the implementation of water supply and sanitation projects under the Jal Mitra and Jal Jeevan Mission initiatives.

Participants will learn about various aspects of plumbing systems, including installation, maintenance, repair, and troubleshooting techniques for water supply and sanitation infrastructure. The course covers topics such as pipe fitting, fixture installation, drainage systems, water conservation, water quality management, and compliance with plumbing codes and standards. Through a combination of theoretical instruction, hands-on training, and practical exercises, participants will develop the expertise needed to install and maintain plumbing systems in residential, commercial, and institutional settings, ensuring access to clean water and sanitation facilities for communities. By completing this training course, participants will be prepared to take on roles as skilled plumbers, contributing to the success of Jal Mitra and Jal Jeevan Mission initiatives and making a meaningful impact on public health, environmental sustainability, and community development

Course Modules

Module 1: Introduction to Jal Mitra and Jal Jeevan Mission (10 hours)

  • Overview of Jal Mitra and Jal Jeevan Mission objectives
  • Importance of sustainable water management in mission goals
  • Role of plumbing systems in achieving water accessibility targets

Module 2: Plumbing Systems Fundamentals (12 hours)

  • Basics of plumbing systems in the context of water supply missions
  • Understanding diverse plumbing materials and their applications
  • Principles of water distribution in the mission framework

Module 3: Compliance with National Standards and Codes (10 hours)

  • Adherence to plumbing codes and standards in Jal Mitra and Jal Jeevan Mission
  • Regulatory requirements and compliance in plumbing installations
  • Ensuring quality and safety in plumbing systems

Module 4: Sustainable Water Management Techniques (14 hours)

  • Efficient water usage strategies aligned with mission objectives
  • Integration of sustainable plumbing practices in water projects
  • Environmental considerations and conservation in the mission context

Module 5: Installation and Maintenance for Jal Mitra and Jal Jeevan Mission (16 hours)

  • Planning and execution of plumbing systems in the mission framework
  • Specialized installation and maintenance practices for mission projects
  • Troubleshooting common issues in the context of mission goals

Module 6: Health and Safety in Mission Plumbing Projects (12 hours)

  • Adherence to safety regulations in Jal Mitra and Jal Jeevan Mission projects
  • Occupational safety and health (OSHA) standards specific to mission objectives
  • Risk assessment and mitigation in mission-related plumbing work

Module 7: Project Management and Leadership for Mission Success (18 hours)

  • Effective project planning and execution within mission timelines
  • Leadership skills for overseeing plumbing teams in mission projects
  • Collaborative approaches for successful mission outcomes

Module 8: Technological Integration and Innovation (8 hours)

  • Adoption of advanced technologies in mission-related plumbing systems
  • Innovations in plumbing for enhanced mission performance
  • Staying updated on technological trends in water management


  • Regular quizzes, assignments, and practical assessments
  • Hands-on projects in plumbing system installation and maintenance for Jal Mitra and Jal Jeevan Mission
  • Final examination covering theoretical and practical aspects

Customized training Programs

  • Plumbing Systems Training
  • Jal Mitra Skill Development Course
  • Jal Jeevan Mission Plumbing Course
  • Plumber training
  • Plumbing course
  • Job oriented trainings
  • on job training
  • Water Supply Infrastructure Training
  • Sanitation Maintenance Program
  • Plumbing Skills Workshop
  • Water Conservation Training
  • Plumbing Maintenance Certification
  • Jal Mitra Plumbing Workshop
  • Sustainable Water Management Course
  • Community Plumbing Training
  • Plumbing Codes Compliance Course
  • Water Quality Management Program
  • Sanitation Infrastructure Development
  • Plumbing Technician Certification
  • Sanitation Maintenance Program
  • Plumbing Skills Workshop
  • Water Conservation Training
  • Plumbing Maintenance Certification
  • Jal Mitra Plumbing Workshop
  • Sustainable Water Management Course
  • Community Plumbing Training
  • Plumbing Codes Compliance Course
  • Water Quality Management Program
  • Sanitation Infrastructure Development
  • Plumbing Technician Certification

Objectives of this Training

  1. Understanding Jal Mitra and Jal Jeevan Mission: Provide participants with an overview of the objectives, goals, and principles of Jal Mitra and Jal Jeevan Mission initiatives aimed at providing safe and sustainable water supply and sanitation infrastructure to communities.

  2. Plumbing Systems Knowledge: Educate participants on the components, design principles, and functioning of plumbing systems for water supply, sanitation, and wastewater management, emphasizing the importance of safe and efficient plumbing infrastructure.

  3. Installation Techniques: Train participants in the installation of plumbing fixtures, pipes, valves, pumps, and other components of water supply and sanitation systems, ensuring compliance with standards and regulations for quality and safety.

  4. Maintenance and Repair Skills: Develop participants’ skills in plumbing maintenance, repair, and troubleshooting, including leak detection, pipe repair, fixture replacement, and preventive maintenance techniques to ensure the longevity and reliability of plumbing infrastructure.

  5. Water Conservation Practices: Promote water conservation practices among participants, teaching them about water-saving technologies, leak detection methods, and efficient water use habits to minimize water wastage and promote sustainability.

  6. Sanitation Infrastructure Management: Equip participants with knowledge and skills related to sanitation infrastructure management, including septic tank maintenance, sewage disposal, and hygiene promotion to improve sanitation standards in communities.

  7. Compliance with Plumbing Codes: Familiarize participants with plumbing codes, standards, and regulations applicable to water supply and sanitation systems, ensuring adherence to legal requirements and industry best practices.

  8. Health and Safety Awareness: Raise awareness among participants about health and safety hazards associated with plumbing work, providing training on safe work practices, personal protective equipment (PPE) use, and emergency response protocols to minimize risks and accidents.

  9. Community Engagement and Participation: Encourage community engagement and participation in water supply and sanitation projects, empowering participants to collaborate with local stakeholders, mobilize resources, and promote community ownership of infrastructure.

  10. Environmental Sustainability: Highlight the importance of environmental sustainability in plumbing systems and maintenance, teaching participants about eco-friendly materials, wastewater recycling, and pollution prevention measures to minimize environmental impact.

  11. Professional Development: Support participants’ professional development by providing opportunities for networking, mentorship, and continuing education in the field of plumbing systems and maintenance, enabling them to pursue rewarding careers and make a positive impact in their communities.

By achieving these objectives, the Plumbing Systems and Maintenance in Jal Mitra and Jal Jeevan Mission skill development training program/course aims to empower participants with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to contribute effectively to the implementation of water supply and sanitation projects, promoting public health, environmental sustainability, and community development

Course Highlights

  1. Mission Overview: Participants gain an understanding of Jal Mitra and Jal Jeevan Mission initiatives, focusing on their goals, objectives, and significance in providing safe and sustainable water supply and sanitation infrastructure to communities.

  2. Comprehensive Curriculum: The course offers a comprehensive curriculum covering all aspects of plumbing systems and maintenance, including installation techniques, maintenance practices, water conservation methods, sanitation infrastructure management, and compliance with plumbing codes and regulations.

  3. Hands-On Training: Participants engage in hands-on training sessions and practical exercises, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, develop practical skills, and gain confidence in their abilities to install and maintain plumbing infrastructure effectively.

  4. Expert Instruction: The course is delivered by experienced instructors and industry professionals with expertise in plumbing systems and maintenance, providing valuable insights, practical tips, and real-world examples to enhance participants’ learning experience.

  5. Focus on Water Conservation: Water conservation practices are emphasized throughout the course, with training on efficient water use, leak detection, water-saving technologies, and strategies to minimize water wastage, aligning with the mission’s goal of promoting sustainability.

  6. Sanitation Infrastructure Management: Participants learn about sanitation infrastructure management, including septic tank maintenance, sewage disposal, hygiene promotion, and sanitation standards compliance, contributing to improved sanitation conditions in communities.

  7. Health and Safety Awareness: Safety is prioritized in the course, with training on health and safety hazards associated with plumbing work, including proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE), safe work practices, and emergency response protocols to minimize risks and accidents.

  8. Community Engagement: The course promotes community engagement and participation in water supply and sanitation projects, empowering participants to work collaboratively with local stakeholders, mobilize resources, and promote community ownership of infrastructure.

  9. Environmental Sustainability: Environmental sustainability is integrated into the curriculum, with training on eco-friendly plumbing materials, wastewater recycling, pollution prevention measures, and environmental impact mitigation strategies to minimize the ecological footprint of plumbing projects.

  10. Professional Development Opportunities: Participants have access to networking opportunities, mentorship programs, and continuing education resources, enabling them to pursue professional development and career advancement in the field of plumbing systems and maintenance.

These course highlights showcase the comprehensive and immersive nature of the Plumbing Systems and Maintenance in Jal Mitra and Jal Jeevan Mission skill development training program/course, preparing participants to contribute effectively to water supply and sanitation projects, promote sustainability, and make a positive impact in their communities.

Why choose this course in Pertecnica

  1. Contribution to Community Development: By participating in this training program/course, individuals can contribute directly to community development efforts under the Jal Mitra and Jal Jeevan Mission initiatives, ensuring access to safe and sustainable water supply and sanitation infrastructure for communities in need.

  2. Professional Growth: The training program/course equips participants with valuable skills and knowledge in plumbing systems and maintenance, enhancing their professional credentials and opening up opportunities for career advancement in the plumbing industry.

  3. Alignment with National Priorities: The Jal Mitra and Jal Jeevan Mission initiatives are national priorities aimed at addressing critical water supply and sanitation challenges in India. By participating in this training program/course, individuals can align themselves with these important national goals and contribute to their success.

  4. Skill Development: Participants acquire practical skills and hands-on experience in plumbing systems installation, maintenance, repair, and water conservation techniques, preparing them for employment opportunities in the plumbing sector and related industries.

  5. Environmental Sustainability: The training program/course emphasizes environmental sustainability in plumbing practices, including water conservation, eco-friendly materials usage, and pollution prevention measures, promoting responsible stewardship of natural resources.

  6. Health and Safety Awareness: Participants gain awareness of health and safety hazards associated with plumbing work and receive training on safe work practices, personal protective equipment (PPE) use, and emergency response protocols, ensuring their well-being and the well-being of others in the workplace.

  7. Community Engagement: The training program/course fosters community engagement and participation in water supply and sanitation projects, empowering participants to work collaboratively with local stakeholders, mobilize resources, and promote community ownership of infrastructure.

  8. Personal Fulfillment: Engaging in meaningful work that directly benefits communities and improves public health and well-being can be personally fulfilling and rewarding for participants, giving them a sense of purpose and satisfaction in their contributions.

  9. Networking Opportunities: Participants have the opportunity to network with industry professionals, experts, and like-minded individuals, building valuable connections and collaborations that can lead to job opportunities, mentorship, and career advancement in the plumbing sector.

  10. Continued Impact: By completing the training program/course, participants gain the skills and knowledge needed to continue making a positive impact in their communities long after the program has ended, ensuring sustainable access to clean water and sanitation for future generations.

Overall, choosing the Plumbing Systems and Maintenance in Jal Mitra and Jal Jeevan Mission skill development training program/course provides individuals with an opportunity to contribute to community development efforts, enhance their professional skills, and make a meaningful difference in addressing water supply and sanitation challenges in India.