Pertecnica Engineering

Pertecnica Skill development Trainings on Agriculture

The Agriculture Skill Council of India (ASCI) is contributing to nation-building through Skill Development in Agriculture especially at the times when country’s agriculture is experiencing stagnant growth, the exodus of quality manpower to other sectors, changing climate with increased variability in production parameters and transformations in international agriculture markets that are especially too much subsidized challenging the competitiveness of Indian Agriculture.

Pertecnica has taken upon itself the responsibility of transforming Indian Agriculture through developing the skills of the country’s manpower in emerging areas of agriculture Farm Mechanization and Precision Farming, Organic farming, Agri information Management, Dairy arm Management, Poultry Farm Management, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, Post harvest Supply Chain Management, Forestry and Agro Forestry, Watershed management, Horticulture and Land scaping, Seeds Industry ,Soil health Management, Commodity Management….

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Skill development training courses in agriculture cater to the specific needs of unemployed youth, individuals who have completed education up to different levels such as 10th, 12th, high school, and college dropouts. The objectives of these courses are tailored to address the unique circumstances and aspirations of these groups. Here are the objectives:

  1. Employability Enhancement: One of the primary objectives is to enhance the employability of unemployed youth by equipping them with practical skills relevant to the agriculture sector. This includes training in various aspects of farming, crop cultivation, livestock management, and agricultural machinery operation.

  2. Career Pathway for School Dropouts: For individuals who have completed education up to 10th or 12th grade, skill development training in agriculture provides a viable career pathway. The objective is to offer alternative opportunities for gainful employment and entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector, leveraging their foundational education.

  3. Reintegration into Education: Skill development courses in agriculture also aim to facilitate the reintegration of high school dropouts and college dropouts into the education system. By providing them with vocational skills and hands-on training, these courses prepare them for further education or specialized training programs in agriculture-related fields.

  4. Entrepreneurship Promotion: Another objective is to promote entrepreneurship among unemployed youth and dropouts by offering training in agribusiness management, farm enterprise development, and value addition. The courses aim to instill entrepreneurial skills and mindset necessary for establishing and managing agricultural ventures.

  5. Skill Upgradation: For those who have already received formal education but dropped out of college, skill development training in agriculture serves as a means to upgrade their skills and stay relevant in the job market. The courses focus on imparting advanced agricultural techniques, modern farming practices, and technological innovations.

  6. Inclusive Development: Skill development training courses in agriculture aim to promote inclusive development by reaching out to marginalized groups such as unemployed youth, school dropouts, and college dropouts from rural areas. The objective is to provide them with equal opportunities for skill enhancement and socio-economic empowerment.

  7. Addressing Unemployment: By offering targeted skill development programs, the objective is to address unemployment among youth, especially in rural areas where agriculture is a primary source of livelihood. The courses aim to create employment opportunities within the agriculture sector and reduce dependency on precarious jobs or migration to urban areas.

  8. Capacity Building for Rural Development: Skill development training in agriculture also contributes to capacity building for rural development by empowering youth and dropouts with the knowledge and skills needed to revitalize agriculture-based economies. The objective is to foster sustainable rural livelihoods and strengthen local communities.

  9. Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture: Lastly, skill development courses in agriculture aim to promote sustainable agricultural practices among youth and dropouts. The objective is to impart knowledge about conservation farming, organic agriculture, and climate-smart techniques that enhance productivity while preserving natural resources.

Overall, the objectives of skill development training courses in agriculture for unemployed youth, school dropouts, and college dropouts are aligned with promoting employability, entrepreneurship, inclusive development, and sustainable agriculture, thereby contributing to overall socio-economic growth and rural empowerment.

Customized Training Programs

  1. Agriculture training for unemployed youth
  2. Rural youth agriculture courses
  3. Vocational courses after 10th in agriculture
  4. Career options after 12th in agriculture
  5. Agriculture courses for rural communities
  6. Organic farming training for college dropouts
  7. Skill development for high school dropouts in agriculture
  8. Sustainable agriculture courses for unemployed rural youth
  9. Agribusiness training for rural entrepreneurs
  10. Job-oriented courses in organic farming
  11. Agriculture skills program for unemployed individuals
  12. Vocational training for rural employment in agriculture
  13. Agriculture certification for unemployed youth
  14. Rural entrepreneurship in agriculture training
  15. Hands-on agriculture courses for rural youth
  16. Sustainable farming training for college dropouts
  17. Agriculture career options after high school
  18. Organic farming skills for unemployed individuals
  19. Rural development through agriculture training
  20. Agriculture skill-building workshops for rural communities.


Agriculture skill development training courses offer numerous benefits to various stakeholders, including industries, employees, farmers, students, and unemployed youth:

  1. Industries:

    • Enhanced Workforce: Agriculture skill development courses produce a skilled workforce equipped with the latest agricultural techniques, technologies, and practices, fulfilling industry demands.
    • Increased Productivity: Well-trained individuals contribute to increased agricultural productivity, ensuring a steady supply of raw materials for various industries, such as food processing, textiles, and biofuels.
    • Innovation: Skilled workers often bring innovative ideas and solutions to the agriculture sector, driving technological advancements and improving overall efficiency.
  2. Employees:

    • Career Advancement: Agriculture skill development courses provide employees with opportunities for career advancement through specialized training and certification programs, leading to higher-paying jobs and leadership roles.
    • Job Security: Enhanced skills make employees more valuable to employers, reducing the risk of job loss and improving job security in a competitive market.
    • Personal Growth: Training courses not only improve technical skills but also foster personal growth and self-confidence, enabling employees to take on new challenges and responsibilities.
  3. Farmers:

    • Increased Efficiency: Skill development training helps farmers adopt modern agricultural practices, leading to increased efficiency in crop production, livestock management, and resource utilization.
    • Higher Yields: Improved knowledge and skills result in higher crop yields, better-quality produce, and increased profitability for farmers, ensuring a sustainable livelihood.
    • Sustainable Practices: Training courses promote sustainable farming practices such as organic farming, conservation agriculture, and water management techniques, benefiting both farmers and the environment.
  4. Students:

    • Career Opportunities: Agriculture skill development courses offer students a wide range of career opportunities in the agriculture sector, including farming, agribusiness, research, consultancy, and entrepreneurship.
    • Hands-On Experience: Practical training provides students with hands-on experience in various aspects of agriculture, enhancing their employability and readiness for the workforce.
    • Lifelong Learning: Skill development courses instill a culture of lifelong learning and continuous improvement among students, preparing them to adapt to evolving industry trends and technological advancements.
  5. Unemployed Youth:

    • Employability: Agriculture skill development training equips unemployed youth with marketable skills and certifications, increasing their chances of securing gainful employment in the agriculture sector or related industries.
    • Entrepreneurship: Training courses empower unemployed youth to start their own agricultural ventures, such as organic farms, agri-tourism businesses, or value-added agribusiness enterprises.
    • Socio-Economic Empowerment: By providing opportunities for skill development and employment, agriculture training courses contribute to the socio-economic empowerment of unemployed youth, reducing poverty and inequality.

Overall, agriculture skill development training courses play a vital role in fostering economic growth, promoting sustainability, and improving livelihoods for industries, employees, farmers, students, and unemployed youth alike