Pertecnica Engineering

Health System Design Engineer in Plumbing Certification


Course Overview:

This specialized program, developed in collaboration with the Plumbing Skill Council of India, is designed to train individuals to become proficient Health System Design Engineers in plumbing within the water management sector. Participants will gain expertise in designing plumbing systems with a focus on health, safety, and efficiency.

Health System Design in Plumbing” is a specialized course offered by the Plumbing Skill Council of India (PSCI), designed to equip individuals with the expertise needed to design, implement, and maintain plumbing systems that prioritize public health and sanitation. This comprehensive training program covers various aspects of plumbing design, including water supply, drainage, sewage disposal, and wastewater treatment, with a strong focus on adhering to health and safety standards.

Participants in this course learn about the principles and practices of health system design in plumbing, including the selection of appropriate materials, fixtures, and technologies to mitigate the risk of waterborne diseases and ensure the well-being of communities. Through a blend of theoretical instruction and hands-on practical exercises, students develop the skills necessary to interpret blueprints, assess plumbing needs, and implement solutions tailored to different settings, such as residential, commercial, and institutional environments.

As a job-oriented training, “Health System Design in Plumbing” prepares participants for careers as plumbing designers, consultants, inspectors, or technicians in various industries, including construction, healthcare, hospitality, and public infrastructure. Graduates of this program are equipped with sought-after skills and credentials, positioning them for success in the dynamic field of plumbing and contributing to the enhancement of public health standards nationwide

Course Modules

Module 1: Introduction to Health System Design in Plumbing (10 hours)

  • Overview of health-centric principles in plumbing design
  • Understanding the role of a Health System Design Engineer in water management
  • Importance of designing plumbing systems with health and safety in mind

Module 2: Plumbing Systems and Components (12 hours)

  • In-depth knowledge of plumbing systems and components
  • Identification and selection of materials for health-focused plumbing design
  • Application of plumbing principles in designing for water management

Module 3: Regulatory Compliance and Health Standards (10 hours)

  • Adherence to health codes and standards in plumbing design
  • Compliance with national and international health regulations
  • Ensuring quality, safety, and health considerations in plumbing designs

Module 4: Project Planning and Health-Centric Design (14 hours)

  • Effective project planning for health-centric plumbing installations
  • Incorporating health considerations in plumbing design layouts
  • Leadership skills for overseeing health-centric plumbing projects

Module 5: Advanced Plumbing Techniques for Health Systems (16 hours)

  • In-depth training in advanced plumbing techniques focused on health and safety
  • Application of innovative solutions for improved health outcomes
  • Troubleshooting complex plumbing issues with health considerations

Module 6: Sustainable and Healthy Plumbing Practices (12 hours)

  • Implementation of sustainable and eco-friendly plumbing practices
  • Integrating health-focused elements in plumbing designs
  • Environmental considerations in plumbing installations and maintenance for health systems

Module 7: Health and Safety in Plumbing Design (18 hours)

  • Strict adherence to health and safety regulations in plumbing design
  • Compliance with occupational safety and health (OSHA) standards for designers
  • Risk assessment and mitigation in plumbing design work with a health focus

Module 8: Communication and Collaboration (8 hours)

  • Effective communication with health professionals and stakeholders
  • Collaboration with other trades in construction and water management projects
  • Integrating feedback for continuous improvement in health-centric plumbing designs

Module 9: Technological Integration and Innovation for Health Systems (10 hours)

  • Utilization of advanced technologies in health-centric plumbing design
  • Integration of software tools for efficient design processes
  • Staying updated on technological trends in water management for health-focused systems


  • Regular quizzes, practical design exercises, and project assessments
  • Final examination covering theoretical and practical aspects


Customized Training Programs

  • Health System Design in Plumbing
  • Plumbing course after 10th
  • Plumbing training after 12th
  • Skill Council of India plumbing course
  • Plumbing job-oriented training
  • Plumbing skill development program
  • Health-focused plumbing training
  • Public health plumbing course
  • Plumbing design and installation training
  • Plumbing apprenticeship program
  • Plumbing certification course
  • Sanitation engineering training
  • Waterborne disease prevention course
  • Plumbing system design course
  • Plumbing career pathways after 10th
  • Plumbing courses for high school graduates
  • Health and safety in plumbing training
  • Plumbing industry certification program
  • Plumbing workforce development program
  • Plumbing skills for public health initiatives

Course Objectives

  1. Understanding Plumbing Fundamentals: Provide participants with a solid understanding of plumbing principles, including water supply, drainage, sewage disposal, and wastewater treatment.

  2. Focus on Public Health: Emphasize the importance of plumbing systems in safeguarding public health and preventing waterborne diseases by maintaining hygienic and sanitary conditions.

  3. Compliance with Standards: Ensure participants are familiar with relevant health and safety standards, regulations, and codes governing plumbing installations to meet legal requirements and industry best practices.

  4. Practical Skills Development: Equip participants with hands-on skills in interpreting blueprints, conducting site assessments, selecting appropriate materials, and installing plumbing systems effectively.

  5. Promotion of Sustainable Practices: Encourage the adoption of sustainable plumbing practices, such as water conservation, energy efficiency, and eco-friendly technologies, to minimize environmental impact and promote sustainability.

  6. Health System Design: Train participants in designing plumbing systems that prioritize health and safety, including proper layout, sizing, and installation of fixtures to minimize health risks and ensure optimal performance.

  7. Integration of Technology: Introduce participants to modern plumbing technologies, tools, and software applications used in health system design, allowing them to stay updated with industry trends and advancements.

  8. Communication and Collaboration: Develop participants’ communication and teamwork skills to effectively collaborate with stakeholders, including architects, engineers, contractors, and clients, to ensure successful project outcomes.

  9. Career Readiness: Prepare participants for entry-level positions in the plumbing industry, including plumbing assistants, technicians, or apprenticeships, providing a pathway for career advancement and specialization.

  10. Continued Professional Development: Encourage participants to pursue further education, certifications, and training opportunities to enhance their skills, expand their knowledge, and advance their careers in the plumbing field.

These objectives aim to provide a comprehensive and practical training experience for individuals interested in pursuing careers in plumbing, particularly those who have completed 10th or 12th grade and are seeking job-oriented training to enter the workforce.



Course Highlights

  1. Comprehensive Curriculum: The course offers a comprehensive curriculum covering all aspects of plumbing design, installation, and maintenance, with a focus on promoting public health and safety.

  2. Hands-on Training: Participants engage in practical, hands-on training sessions where they learn to interpret blueprints, conduct site assessments, and install plumbing systems using industry-standard tools and techniques.

  3. Health System Focus: Emphasis is placed on designing plumbing systems that prioritize health and sanitation, including proper water supply, drainage, sewage disposal, and wastewater treatment practices.

  4. Regulatory Compliance: Participants learn about relevant health and safety regulations, codes, and standards governing plumbing installations, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and industry best practices.

  5. Industry-Relevant Instruction: The course is taught by experienced industry professionals who provide valuable insights, practical tips, and real-world examples to help participants understand the complexities of plumbing system design and implementation.

  6. Interactive Learning: The course incorporates interactive learning activities, group discussions, and case studies to reinforce key concepts and promote collaboration among participants.

  7. Career Pathways: Graduates of the course are prepared for entry-level positions in the plumbing industry, including plumbing assistants, technicians, or apprenticeships, with opportunities for further specialization and career advancement.

  8. Certification: Upon successful completion of the course, participants receive a certification from the Skill Council of India, validating their skills and knowledge in health system design in plumbing.

  9. Job Placement Assistance: Many training programs offer job placement assistance, career counseling, and networking opportunities to help participants secure employment opportunities in the plumbing industry.

  10. Continued Support: The Skill Council of India provides continued support to graduates, including access to resources, ongoing training opportunities, and updates on industry developments to ensure their continued success in the field.

These highlights showcase the practical, industry-relevant nature of the “Health System Design in Plumbing” course, making it an ideal choice for individuals seeking job-oriented training after completing 10th and 12th grades and wishing to pursue a career in the plumbing industry.

Why choose this course in Pertecnica

  1. Relevance to Public Health: This course focuses on designing plumbing systems that prioritize public health and sanitation, addressing critical issues related to waterborne diseases and ensuring safe and hygienic living environments.

  2. Industry Recognition: The Skill Council of India is a reputable organization that provides industry-recognized certifications, enhancing the credibility and marketability of individuals who complete the course.

  3. Job Opportunities: Graduates of this course are equipped with valuable skills and qualifications sought after by employers in the plumbing industry. They can pursue various job roles, including plumbing assistants, technicians, or apprenticeships, providing ample opportunities for employment and career growth.

  4. Hands-on Training: The course offers practical, hands-on training sessions where participants learn essential skills such as interpreting blueprints, conducting site assessments, and installing plumbing systems. This practical experience prepares them for real-world challenges in the field.

  5. Compliance with Regulations: Participants gain an understanding of relevant health and safety regulations, codes, and standards governing plumbing installations, ensuring compliance and adherence to legal requirements in their work.

  6. Career Advancement: Graduates of the course can pursue further education, certifications, or specialization in specific areas of plumbing, opening doors to advanced career opportunities and higher earning potential in the industry.

  7. Contribution to Society: By designing plumbing systems that prioritize health and sanitation, individuals who complete this course can make a meaningful impact on public health outcomes, contributing to the well-being of communities and society as a whole.

  8. Professional Development: The course provides a pathway for continuous professional development, offering access to resources, ongoing training opportunities, and updates on industry developments to ensure participants stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in the field.

Overall, choosing the “Health System Design in Plumbing” course from the Skill Council of India after completing 10th or 12th grade is an investment in both personal and professional growth, offering opportunities for meaningful work, career advancement, and societal impact in the essential field of plumbing and public health